

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Brother and Sister

Catching up a bit

This is from a few weekends ago when we went to the Watkinsville Fall Festival. Mac enjoyed riding the ponies. We weren't sure that he would actually want to do it after we waited in line and we were afraid that he would want one of us to walk along next to him if he did. He kept asking if the horses could get out of their circle. But when it came time he got up there and rode without any fear.

Last night he informed me that while he wasn't out of hugs entirely, he was out of "squeezy" hugs. Then today he was tightening up his shoes and told us that was how he got filled back up with "squeezy" hugs.

Today at lunch we looked up just in time to see him closing down on a bite of just butter. It also happened to be the entire scoop of butter off the top of his pancake from Cracker Barrel. I don't know how but he swallowed it. Brett thought he should have washed it down with the little bottle of syrup. :)

Maggie is definitely finding her voice. She is "talking" and getting louder and more high pitched all the time. She also does what we have heard referred to as the "teridactyl scream."

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Tonight Maggie was playing on her stomach and laughing. I called Mac in so he could see her and asked if he wanted to play with her. His response was "no, I'm busy doing something important."

Contrast that with Wednesday night I asked him if I could take him to school in the morning. His response was "no, I want Mommy to take me because she didn't get to snuggle and love on me tonight."

He can be pretty sweet - when it suits him.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New tooth!

Maggie's first tooth broke through last night. She has been drooling like crazy for over a month now, so we figured it was coming. Last night she was fussing and I let her chew on my finger. Instead of softly gnawing and gumming like usual she chomped down with a sharp new tooth.
Today there is another one starting to show through right next to it as well.

She is such a sweet baby though. Even with new teeth coming in she woke up smiling and happy this morning :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

To the zoo...

Doug and I are taking Mac to the zoo this morning. We were discussing what animals we would see and doug mentioned pandas. Mac said no we can't see them because pandas live in Asia and eat bamboo. It just amazes us the things he says that we don't even know he knows. He is definitely learning alot at school.

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