

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Can we get our child back please?

How do you get a two-year-old to stop being a two-year-old? (in my head this is to the tune of 'What do you do with a general' from White Christmas)

I don't know if its from being spoiled like crazy over our vacation, or if he's getting sick, or maybe the transition to his new class at school is a little tough for him. It may just be a little from column A and a little from column B (and C). Mac has had a rough couple of days. He is crying more and pitching fits even at school which is not his norm. Slowly, slowly we are bringing him around and today was a better day at school. However it still involved a good bit of crying.

Sadly it seems that it takes a very short time to spoil a kid into rottenness and a long time to get him back to his normal, happy, even-tempered self.

In the mean time, anyone want to babysit?

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