

Monday, October 1, 2012

Yet another sick day

Mac is home sick today, luckily Doug did not have to take off another day. I was able to switch days with another pharmacist and cover today. Mac seems to have picked up a stomach bug. He has handled it like a champ though. I think we have actually gotten through the worst of it now, but we went to the doctor this morning just to get checked out. They said they had seen a run of stomach issues like this, gave us some zofran, and rushed us out the door. Apparently stomach issues are the key to being seen quickly.

As we were leaving, the lady checking us out offered Mac a sucker (she didn't know what we were in for). Mac declined the sucker and instead picked up a business card. That was funny enough by itself. Then he spent the rest of the day carrying it around in his shirt pocket. I guess he has learned a few things from his grandfathers. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Melanie said...

Haha!! Just like Grandpa Tom!! Too funny. I hope everyone gets back to feeling better soon!!

MeMa Bobbie said...

Not fun to be sick!!
Wish we could be closer so we could spoil them !!!
Would like a new photo if you could send one on PDF file so I can print.
Love to all
Granddaddy John, MeMa Bobbie