

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We've had our trees up for a week or so, but its taken me a little longer to get the pictures on the blog.  Here is Mac with his little tree in his room.
 He decorated it himself, mostly.

 We had to help a little because the ornaments were all congregating in one location.  Like on Hairy Dog...
 And the angel on top
But otherwise he did an excellent job and he hasn't once taken the balls off and thrown them.  (We had a talk about that as we were decorating)  The house looks pretty festive and smells like Christmas too.
Now we just have to finish up the last of the present hunting and wrapping.  The wrapping is a little slow with Mac's help.  Mostly because I only have the patience to do a few at a time.  He gets a little ahead of me with the scissors and tape so I have to keep reigning him in the whole time.  But I still can't resist such a sweet little helper.


Jessica said...

How is it that he is as tall as the tree now:) Glad the tree is still a short one:)

Samantha said...

I'm afraid he will be as tall as the regular tree before I know it!

Melanie said...

I love the picture of Mac and all his animals around the tree!

Bobbie said...

Samantha please send me an e mail
My computer crashed and all e mail addresses are gone, also Jessica's please.
I did manage to locate this!
Happy Birthday
MeMa Bobbie Granddaddy John