

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nighttime drama

Sorry its been quite a while since we managed a post.  Its been a whirlwind lately.
We had a great Thanksgiving, Mac loved getting to play with cousins.  I'm not sure he really even ate anything he was so busy running around.  We can't wait for Christmas so we can see even more family.

Last night Mac woke up at 4 am and came to our room.  He was scared because he said there were sharks in his room.  He loves to play sharks and pretend they are in his room and we get them out.  Usually its a fun game, but last night he seemed really scared.  He was shaking and didn't want to go back to bed.  We turned on the lights and checked everything and got him calmed down.  He went back to bed and said that I could go back to bed as well.  That only lasted a few minutes and then he was back in our room.  I probably made a mistake by letting him get in our bed then.  My thought was that I was really tired and wanted to go back to sleep.  Ha. That was a terrible reason because I hardly slept at all after that.  I don't know how anyone so little can take up so much room.
Here's hoping that we won't repeat that experience again tonight.

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