

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Learning to have a baby

So we attended our first baby class this Sunday. It was FIVE HOURS long! There is a second session this coming Sunday as well. You would think that after that many hours we would be getting some kind of license to deliver the baby ourselves, but no this is just the information that we need to go to the hospital and let them handle everything.
Of course we had to watch the video of a birth, one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. I've watched open heart surgery in person and it was fun and interesting, this was not. Of course that time I knew I wasn't going on the table to be cut on next so maybe that helped a little. The video did very little to diminish my fears, in fact, now I have all kinds of new things to worry about. However, Doug handled it well and didn't think it was that terrible and disgusting. At least I can relax and know that he won't pass out on me or anything.


Grandma McF said...

Samantha when the time comes you will be ready for the team to take over and you will cooperate and forget all these thoughts that are because the process is unknown now.
As with everything in life 'it' goes better with prayer....and I and the rest of the family will be praying for the three of you. Love, Grandma McF

mrscrumley said...

I just always thought about women who gave birth in the middle of a field... and knew I could do it. Of course now that we have more options, it makes me dizzy to think about it all.

Are you taking a specific "birthing method" class? (Bradley or Lamaze?) or is this just a general "How to have a kid 101" class (the kind we opted for).

Cousin Alicia for

Doug and Samantha said...

Its just a general how to have a kid class offered at the hospital. We also have hospital tour, breastfeeding classes, and what to do with the baby when he gets here class.