

Friday, January 21, 2011

What's in a name?

We need a little help.

It was very exciting to learn that Samantha is pregnant and we recently added to that excitement when we found out that this baby will be a girl.  So of course, now we have to get to pick out a name.  We have several in mind, but one of the favorites presents an issue.

If baby #2 gets a name that starts with M, would any potential future children then also have to have names starting with M?
Yes, we realize that one, this isn't a huge deal and two, Mac's actual first name is John, but what do you think?


Amy Shorner-Johnson said...

I think you can find a way to give all your children a cute "MacNickname" they will all feel special.

Truly, since you and Doug don't have names that begin with M, they shouldn't feel too left out.

How about Madeline McFarland? :)

Robyn said...

You could name her Mackenzie and call her Mac also!

j/k Idk on this one. I'm sorta' the indecisive type.

jason said...

I suggest you call her "Darlin'".


Darlin' McFarland has a nice ring to it...

Shutterstitch said...

I think they should all have their own letter of the alphabet to start off their name. But if you do two "M"s you may as well do three.

Karen P.

Sharon said...

How about "D" something. Then you'd have "Mom", "Mac", "Dad" and Dxxxx". Maybe "Darla". No, wait, you don't have a "Greg". lol.

Seriously, keep praying and her name will come.

Sharon said...

I meant "Dharma"

Doug said...

Mom, I knew you meant Dharma, but Darla is also out since she was the fish killing little girl in Nemo.

Jason, I can't do darlin, though it does have a nice ring to it. I wouldn't be able to get the David Alan Coe/ Hank Jr. song out of my head.